commit 14dbd7896d4985b1b312271e69ac360b24602f5e
parent 2989d10faa5c40c07ac366d0ea06ec1bc9659e01
Author: Léo Villeveygoux <>
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2017 23:24:09 +0200
test.asm: show use of colors, coords, input
M | test.asm | | | 116 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- |
1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/test.asm b/test.asm
@@ -1,27 +1,107 @@
org 0x20000
bits 32
+pix: equ 0x40000
+screen_size: equ 0x10000
+input: equ 0x50000
header: db '#!/usr/bin/env b8', 0x0a
times 32-$+header db 0x0
-jmp f
+jmp [state_fun]
+state_fun dd init
+ ; set initial screen
+ mov ecx, screen_size
+ .loop:
+ push cx
+ call colorize
+ pop cx
+ mov byte [ecx + pix], al
+ loop .loop
+ mov dword [state_fun], f
+ ret
-mov eax, [lol]
-mov [0x40000], eax
-lol db 42
+ ; update coords
+ mov eax, 0
+ mov al, byte [input]
+ mov ebx, [coords]
+ .check_left:
+ mov cl, 1b
+ and cl, al
+ jz .check_right
+ sub bx, 1
+ .check_right:
+ mov cl, 10b
+ and cl, al
+ jz .check_up
+ add bx, 1
+ .check_up:
+ mov cl, 100b
+ and cl, al
+ jz .check_down
+ sub bx, 0x100
+ .check_down:
+ mov cl, 1000b
+ and cl, al
+ jz .check_end
+ add bx, 0x100
+ .check_end:
+ mov [coords], ebx
+ ; get color
+ mov ecx, [coords]
+ mov eax, screen_size-1
+ sub eax, ecx
+ push ax
+ call colorize
+ add esp, 2
+ mov ebx, [coords]
+ mov byte [pix+ebx], al
+ ret
+ mov al, 0
+ mov bx, 0
+ mov cx, [esp+4] ; get fun argument
+ ;red part
+ mov bl, cl
+ and bl, 01110000b
+ sal bl, 1
+ and bl, 11100000b
+ or al, bl
+ ;green part
+ mov bl, ch
+ and bl, 01110000b
+ sar bl, 1
+ sar bl, 1
+ and bl, 00011100b
+ or al, bl
+ ;blue part
+ and ch, 10000000b
+ mov bl, ch
+ and cl, 10000000b
+ sar cl, 1
+ and cl, 01000000b
+ or bl, cl
+ mov cl, 6
+ sar bl, cl
+ and bl, 00000011b
+ or al, bl
+ ret
+coords: dd 0x8080