commit 32235442b724fdac4b718b4b7642906035c4acc3
Author: Léo Villeveygoux <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2021 05:02:02 +0200
Scrap basic info out of OpenWeatherMap API
A | | | | 116 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Basic openweathermap scrapper
+# Dependencies : curl, grep, sed, cut, tr, jq
+#set -x
+# Config:
+# Set APPID there or it will be scrapped from main page
+# old method
+# get_app_id () {
+# WIDGET_SCRIPT_PREFIX="/themes/openweathermap/assets/vendor/owm/js/weather-widget-new"
+# WIDGET_SCRIPT_URL="${BASE_URL}$(curl -s "$BASE_URL" | grep -o "$WIDGET_SCRIPT_PREFIX"'\.[^.]*\.js')"
+# curl -s "$WIDGET_SCRIPT_URL" | grep -o 'appidWeatherLayer:"[^"]*' | sed 's/.*:"//''
+# }
+get_app_id () {
+ curl -s "${BASE_URL}/find" | grep -o 'appid=[^"]*' | cut -d= -f2
+usage () {
+ echo "Usage: $0 COMMAND CITY"
+ echo "COMMAND=now|hour|hours|week"
+find_data () {
+ curl -s "${BASE_URL}/data/2.5/find?q=$1&appid=${APPID}"
+first_match_id () {
+ find_data "$1" | jq -r '.list[0].id'
+first_match_coord () {
+ find_data "$1" | jq '.list[0].coord | .lat, .lon' | tr '\n' '\t'
+find () {
+ find_data "$1" | jq -r '.list[]|.name+", ID="+(.id|tostring)+" coords:"+([, .coord.lon]|tostring)'
+onecall () {
+ curl -s "${BASE_URL}/data/2.5/onecall?lat=$1&lon=$2&lang=${LANG:0:2}&units=metric&appid=${APPID}"
+now () {
+ # COORDS="$(first_match_coord "$1")"
+ # LAT="$(echo $COORDS | cut -f1)"
+ # LON="$(echo $COORDS | cut -f2)"
+ onecall $(first_match_coord "$1") |\
+ jq -rj '.current | .temp, "°C (ressenti : ", .feels_like, "°C) ",'\
+' .pressure, "hPa ", .humidity, "% d'\''humidité, ",'\
+' .clouds, "% de couverture nuageuse, vent :", .wind_speed, "m/s, ", .weather[0].description'
+ echo # add missing newline
+hour () {
+ onecall $(first_match_coord "$1") |\
+ jq -r ".minutely[].precipitation" |\
+ awk -v 'ORS=' '{if($1 == 0)print" ";else if($1<0.2)print".";else if($1<1)print"1";else if($1<2)print"2";else print"x"}'
+ echo
+ echo "|'''''''''''''^''''''''''''''|''''''''''''''^''''''''''''''|"
+hours () {
+ onecall $(first_match_coord "$1") |\
+ jq -r '.hourly[]|(.dt | gmtime | strflocaltime("%HH: "))+(.temp|tostring)+"°C, "'\
+' +(.pop|tostring)+" proba. de précipitations, "+(.clouds|tostring)+"% de couverture, "[0].description'
+week () {
+ onecall $(first_match_coord "$1") |\
+ jq -r '.daily[]|(.dt | gmtime | strflocaltime("%a %e %b: "))+(.temp.min|tostring)+" à "+(.temp.max|tostring)+"°C, "'\
+' +(.pop|tostring)+" proba. de précipitations, "[0].description'
+if [[ $# -le 0 ]] ; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+#echo "$APPID"
+case "$COMMAND" in
+ find)
+ find "$@"
+ ;;
+ now)
+ now "$@"
+ ;;
+ hour)
+ hour "$@"
+ ;;
+ hours)
+ hours "$@"
+ ;;
+ week)
+ week "$@"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown command" >&2
+ usage
+ ;;