1 extends Monstre 2 3 var spell_scene 4 5 func _ready(): 6 target_dist = 150 7 orbe_type = 2 8 9 spell_scene = load("res://Spell.tscn") 10 path_provider = get_node("../AlternativeNavigation") 11 z_index = 3 12 13 func attack(): 14 var newspell = spell_scene.instance() 15 newspell.position = $Sprite/SpellSpawn.global_position 16 var mov = mage.position - newspell.position 17 newspell.movement = mov.normalized() * newspell.speed 18 19 newspell.thrower = get_node(".") 20 21 get_node("..").add_child(newspell) 22 23 attacking = false 24 25 26 # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. 27 #func _process(delta): 28 # pass