Orbe.gd (484B)
1 extends Area2D 2 3 enum {TYPE_DIABLE, TYPE_GOLEM, TYPE_LANCEUR, TYPE_SERPENT} 4 5 var type = TYPE_DIABLE 6 7 func set_type(t): 8 type = t 9 match t: 10 TYPE_DIABLE: 11 $AnimatedSprite.play("diable") 12 TYPE_GOLEM: 13 $AnimatedSprite.play("golem") 14 TYPE_LANCEUR: 15 $AnimatedSprite.play("lanceur") 16 TYPE_SERPENT: 17 $AnimatedSprite.play("serpent") 18 19 func _ready(): 20 $AnimatedSprite.play() 21 22 23 # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. 24 #func _process(delta): 25 # pass