1 extends KinematicBody2D 2 3 4 # Declare member variables here. Examples: 5 # var a = 2 6 # var b = "text" 7 8 export var stop_dist = 10.0 9 export var speed = 70.0 10 export var dash_speed = 200.0 11 export var dash_timeout = 3.0 12 export var dash_duration = .3 13 14 var target = Vector2() 15 var dash_state = -dash_timeout 16 17 var last_click = 0.0 18 19 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. 20 func _ready(): 21 target = position 22 23 func _unhandled_input(event): 24 if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed: 25 var date = Time.get_ticks_msec() 26 target = event.position 27 if (event.doubleclick or date-last_click < 250.0 ) and dash_state <= -dash_timeout: 28 dash_state = dash_duration 29 $Dash.visible = true 30 last_click = date 31 32 func _physics_process(delta): 33 var to_target = target - position 34 if to_target.length() > stop_dist: 35 var move_speed = dash_speed if dash_state > 0 else speed 36 move_and_slide(to_target.normalized()*move_speed) 37 38 var direction = int(rad2deg(to_target.angle())+360+45)%360/90 39 if direction == 0: 40 $Sprite.animation = "right" 41 elif direction == 1: 42 $Sprite.animation = "down" 43 elif direction == 2: 44 $Sprite.animation = "left" 45 elif direction == 3: 46 $Sprite.animation = "up" 47 48 if dash_state >= 0: 49 $Sprite.animation = "dash_" + $Sprite.animation 50 51 $Sprite.playing = true 52 else: 53 $Sprite.playing = false 54 $Sprite.frame = 0 55 56 if dash_state > -dash_timeout: 57 dash_state -= delta 58 if dash_state <= 0: 59 $Dash.scale.x = (dash_timeout+dash_state)/dash_timeout * 0.01 60 61 else: 62 $Dash.visible = false 63