
NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
SNTCours de SNT 2021-06-29 13:32
among-euxGame made in 1 day with flx 2022-08-29 18:41
b8A x86 32bits native fantazy console. 2017-07-23 18:15
breditorDynamic Python edition/execution in the browser 2020-12-22 19:06
chip8A simple C CHIP8 VM. 2020-04-15 23:11
fontsVarious fonts i've drawn. 2021-05-29 00:33
gem.awkA gemini client in POSIX awk 2020-06-14 00:16
mersenneMersenne's law based string calculator 2021-04-30 18:35
nextmatchFind close matches to a line in a quote file, and print the next one. 2016-12-02 04:10
obLike a fantazy console, but with .so files as cartridges? 2017-06-09 18:30
owmsOpenWeatherMap based weather client 2021-06-22 10:09
refifoFIFO writter that starts over for new readers 2020-04-27 02:36
skulpttestOnline python editor/interpretor tests 2022-01-20 04:06
stagitFork of hiltjo's stagit (see 2020-03-31 04:10
timerWake up alarm system 2022-04-29 01:10
tomato-dungeona game made in 1 day 2022-04-29 14:29